Hi there, and welcome! Here you can find out more about me, written from my own perspective in the hopes that you will think well of me afterwards, I mean, very objectively with no agenda whatsoever.
I am a scientist, meaning I question things, and I investigate. I’m a biologist, which means that hinking on different levels of organisation is second nature to me. I am also a doer, because theory only takes you so far. Most of all, I’m a storyteller. I construct a narrative out of parts, whether it’s scientific knowledge or a piece of fiction.
Over the years, I have done research on different topics. Endometrial Cancer. Brain proteins and development. And most recently motion vision. That one got me a doctorate, though not without blood, sweat and tears. Persevering through that taught me a lot about myself. If you’d like to learn more about my science, check out that page.
I don’t like sitting around. I’ve done a bunch of side projects. Marketing for the local popstage. Teaching biology to pre-teens, Master students and fellow scientists. Setting up a student music festival. Advocating in the neighbourhood council. Representing PhD student interests on campus. Launching an international foundation. I have hobbies too. When I don’t run a D&D game for a group of scientist friends, I go running, and pretend to be chased by zombies, or I can be found reading a book in the sunlight. At the moment, I am making my longstanding dream of flying a reality, and started hang gliding.
One thing has been constant in all my endeavours though: it has always been about telling stories.
Sometimes I also tweet as @SayanSoos.